Spagyrics for mood swings and troubled states of mind
Dull state (uneasiness) - weak nerves. How to address mood swings with spagyrics.

Often, you can also find a reduced productivity and work capacity since the power and energy reserves are challenged. This leads to a vicious circle that often leads to a depressive reaction, which can only be addressed through consequent intervention by a physician or psychotherapist.
To avoid to even get there, it is important to do something for the body and the soul at the onset of the first symptoms of negative stress reactions, such as weakness of productivity, bad nerves, mood swings, and psychosomatic discomfort.
Here, the spagyric essences from medicinal plants and mineral substances can be a valuable help..
There is a multitude of spagyric essences that can help the irritated nervous system. If applied early and consistently, they can improve the capacity to overcome stress and reduce possible discomforts. One of the main remedies is the essence
which is produced from the taiga root. This remedy makes the body more resistant physically and psychologically, as well as more stable, so that it can better cope with burdens of any kind. Besides, Eleutherococcus supports the immune defense and prevents stress-induced weaknesses of the immune system.A similar effect is produced by
Avena sativa
The spagyric essence from oats. In contrast to the taiga root, it has a more calming effect and thus helps very well with states of agitation and irritation with sleep disorders. Avena sativa is also given at times, when the energy reserves have to be restored after physical or psychological stress or strain.An energetic restructure not only demands a stabilization of the nervous system but also needs to reinforce and stimulate the physical functions, such as blood circulation, blood regeneration, and the hormone system. An increase of blood circulation is especially increased by the essences:
Ginkgo (ginkgo leaves) und Yohimbe (yohimbe bark)
Yet during midlife, when the hormone production is slowly decreasing, two other essences are of major importance:
Angelica archangelica
the Essence from the Erzengelwurz andImperatoria
from Meisterwurz. Both remedies possess reinforcing, invigorating, and regenerative qualities, they stabilize the nervous system, and regulate the function of the hormonal glands. Here, the Angelica essence shows a very good effect especially on women, whereas men receive more from imperatoria.Verbena
is very rich in blood regenerating minerals, and trace elements, and it is one of the most important remedies for anemia.Verbena also has an effect on the nervous system by improving the mood and thus, it can be helpful in states of gloom and melancholy.
In this respect, the essence also supports another important remedy to improve the emotional state:
Hypericum from
St. John's Wort
With this remedy, you can soothe a depressive emotional state and enhance the joy of living. Yet, if the symptoms of stress and anxiety are more in the foreground, spagyrics offers a valuable remedy to resolve emotional and physical stress.Piper methysticum
Besides these vegetal essences, also certain spagyric mineral essences have a nerve stabilizing effect and can prevent the negative consequences of stress.Here, the main remedy in this regard is
Kalium phosphoricum
which is also known as Schüssler Salt and is considered the most important nerve remedy. It has a wide range of effects and e.g. helps with nervousness, exhaustion, depression, loss of mental acuity, leraning disorders, memory loss, and nervous insomnia.With children and adolescents there might be an additional need for
Calcium phosphoricum
This salt is an important regenerative remedy for the growth period and at the same time it has a distinct nerve strengthening effect. According to the individual case, you can compose a suitable mixture of essences from these remedies that can be easily applied in a practical way through a spray.There have been good experiences with so called "energy sprays", which are special mixtures of specific spagyric complexes for women, men, and children. Through their contents, they cover a big part of possible causes for physical and psychological stress reactions with states of exhaustion. Besides
Eleutherococcus, Ginkgo und Yohimbe the "energy spray for women" also contains the essence Angelica archangelica,
as well as the mineral essence
Kalium phosphoricum.
The „Energy Spray for men“ has the same formulation, only here, Angelica is substituted by Imperatoria.Such an "energy spray" can also be helpful for children and adolescents, e.g. a mix of Eleutherococcus, Ginkgo, Yohimbe, Kalium phosphoricum, and Calcium phosphoricum.
Reference book for spagyric essences Fa. Hydak >